Profile Lucas Sta Maria

I'm a final year Computer Science and Mathematics student at Northeastern University interested in programming languages and developer tooling.

(λx.x x) (λx.x x)


My opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer. I also often disagree with what I have previously written.

2024-04-09 CS4500 Reflections
2024-04-07 Migrating my website to Org Mode
2023-08-18 On Technical Interviews
2023-08-11 Why I Use Emacs
2023-06-28 A Take: The Ternary Operator is Nice
2023-04-25 Scheme has Simple Semantics
2023-04-04 The Convenience of Currying
2023-03-27 Rackjure: Using Clojure's Thread Macro in Racket
2022-06-07 Recursion as Structural Decomposition